How did Future end up on both the most “speech-y” AND the most instrumental charts?

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What are Future's actual assets? It's not his vocal ability... obviously

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The human mechanism runs on emotion, something that computers can't feel. I'll go with the music of old. Better than a 1 note bass beat w/o a melody and synthesized percussion.

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I am a musician. This would be of great resource to politicians if they could get their heads out of their wallets (or purses).

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long live hip hop!

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Very fun and interesting read!

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this was incredible 👏

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Music in the 1950s was dominated by the birth of rock and roll. Rock and roll was a powerful new form of music that combined elements of rhythm and blues (R&B), pop, blues, and hillbilly music to create a sound that truly shook America. And also human beings don't like at. So the human being becomes energetic and they want energetic song or music 🎶 . So that's also the reason that music change nowadays.

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Raised in the 80s and 90s. And the songs that hit me most emotionally come from the 2000's. Done my best to stay relevant with popular music up to today. Studied classical music and jazz through school, bands, private piano instruction, and everything. Ska tends to be my go to fun music to listen to on a Saturday morning working around the house (effect of my upbringing and age). But I HAVE TO say that probably the best era of music overall, by far, hands down is from about 1957-1968. Hits from that time period don't get "old". Always fun to listen to. It seems like a lot of other things in America peaked during that time as well, fashion, movies, etc. Musically, lyrically, messages, danceability, feel goodness, still addressing complicated issues, all that.

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